Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Haiku #3736

Absent mindedness
Who you're petting's not your dog
But your own ego.

Creative Commons License
Haiku #3736 by Dario Beltrami is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
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  1. You say you are trying to enjoy life? I suggest you change your philosophy of life from a life judged by comparison to others, to a new behavior that compliments your talents and skills, worry free of the judgement of others. This will lead to an enjoyable life.

  2. It's funny how people (in this case you) seem to derive someone else's "philosophy of life" from a mere fragment of a thought (Haikus amount to that much, in my opinion, a moment in time).
    I observe, I write what I see, what it makes me feel.
    I was not judging - Everyone is free, as I am free to observe and express my opinion.
    This said, thanks for the tip. I happen to agree with the fact that judgment and judgmental behavior do not lead to an enjoyable life.


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